rázen♦♦♦ predl.
1. (za izražanje izvzemanja) except (for), but (for)
vsak dan, razen sobote in nedelje - every day except Saturday and Sunday
vsi razen mene - everybody but me
razen tega apart from that, except for that
ima nekaj napak, a razen tega je simpatičen - he has a couple of flaws but apart from that he is nice
razen če unless
pridem jutri, razen če bo deževalo - I'll come tomorrow, unless it rains
2. (za izražanje dodajanja) besides, as well
razen polke smo plesali tudi valček - besides polka we also danced a waltz
razen tega besides (that)
bila je lepa, razen tega pa je tudi obvladala petje - she was beautiful, and besides that she was a good singer