sméti♦♦ gl.
I. trdilno (izraža dovoljenje) may, to be* allowed to
če smem pripomniti - if I may add
sodišče sme odločiti, da ... - the court is allowed to decide that ...
II. nikalno
1. (izraža prepoved) must not, mustn't; to not be* allowed to bolj form.
še pet let ni smel opravljati svojega poklica - he wasn't allowed to do his job for five more years
ne smem pozabiti I mustn't forget
ne smem uporabljati I'm not allowed to use
2. (izraža nasvet ali prepričanje) shouldn't
dnevna politika ne bi smela vplivati na pomembnejše odločitve - day-to-day politics shouldn't influence more important decisions
3. (izraža nasvet za preteklost) shouldn't have
ne bi smel priti sem - you shouldn't have come here