

(poudarjalno) so; such
zakaj se ga tako bojiš?
- why are you so afraid of him?
bil je tako lep dan
- it was such a nice day
tako - tako

(za kazanje) like this/that, this is how; (na enak način) in the same way/manner
tako obrni ključ
- turn the key like that
prišel je neopaženo in tako tudi odšel
- he came in unnoticed and left in the same way
tako se sliši alarm
- this is how the alarm sounds
tako kot
like, as
naredi tako, kot ti je naročil
- do as he told you to
vse je tako, kot se spomnim
- everything is like I remember it
in tako dalje
and so on
tako rekoč
practically, virtually
tako ali drugače
somehow or (an)other, one way or another

(izraža samoumevnost) anyway
ne bom prišel, saj tako nimam časa
- I won't come, I don't have time anyway

tako ... kot/kakor
(za povezovanje) both ... and; (za primerjanje) as ... as
pisali so mu tako prijatelji kot sorodniki
- both friends and relatives wrote to him
tako dobro plešem kot ona
- I can dance as well as she can

Vir: Mali slovensko-angleški slovar - DZS d.d.

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