tórej♦♦♦ vez.
1. (navezovalno) so, then; (na začetku povedi) well
kakšen je torej tvoj delež? - so what is your share?; what is your share then?
torej, gospod, najlepša hvala - well, sir, thank you very much
2. (za izražanje sklepa) so; therefore form.
ni jih bilo doma, torej sem jih moral čakati - they weren't at home so I had to wait for them
smo v velikem mestu in moramo torej biti previdni - we are in a big town and must therefore be careful
3. (za izražanje dopolnitve) that is
upoštevajmo oba predloga, torej starega in novega - let's consider both suggestions - (that is) the old one and the new one