upírati♦♦ gl.
upirati oči/pogled v (koga/kaj) to look at sb/sth; (nepremično) to gaze at sb/tsh
upirati se
1. (boriti se proti) to rebel; (nasprotovati) to oppose, to resist
upirati se (komu) [avtoriteti] to rebel against sb; (zavračati, ne ubogati) [avtoriteti] to defy sb
upirati se (čemu) [komunizmu] to rebel against sth, to fight back against sth; [spremembam] to resist sth, to oppose to sth
(kaj) se upira (komu) sb defies sth, sb resists sth
2. (zadrževati) [napadalcem, okupatorju, skušnjavi, spancu] to fight* back, to resist; (vzdržati) [napadu, pritisku] to resist
upirati se (komu) to fight back against sb