vpísati♦♦ | vpisáti (vpišem) gl.
1. (dodati) [podatek, številko, geslo] to enter
vpisati v (kaj) to enter in sth
2. (včlaniti) to enrol, to enroll am., to register, to sign up
vpisati (koga) v/na (kaj) [v šolo, na fakulteto] to enrol sb in/on sth; [v/na tečaj, na seznam] to sign up sb for sth, to register sb for sth
vpisati magisterij to enrol in a master's degree programme
vpisati podiplomski študij to enrol as a postgraduate student
3. (vključiti) [v imenik] to include
vpisati se [na univerzo, na fakulteto] to enrol, to enroll am., to register; [na tečaj, na seznam] to register, to sign up
vpisati se na (kaj) [univerzo, fakulteto] to enrol at sth; [tečaj] to sign up for sth, to register for sth