vsè♦♦♦ zaim.
1. (brez izjeme) everything
vse to all this
vse skupaj it all; all this
vse skupaj je le nemočno opazovala - she was only helplessly watching it all
potem vse skupaj niti ne more biti tako slabo - after all, all this might not be so bad
2. (čedalje) ever
njen novi prijatelj se vede vse bolj nenavadno - her new friend is becoming ever more strange
nemir postaja vse večji in žalost vse globlja - anxiety is growing and sorrow is becoming deeper and deeper
vse manj (neštevno) less and less; (števno) fewer and fewer
danes je takšnih ljudi vse manj - there's less and less such people
vse več more and more
3. (za poudarjanje trajanja) up until
vse do smrti je pisal romane - he was writing novels up until his death
4. (za poudarjanje količine) all