I. prisl.
1. (prisoten) present; (tam) there
pri katerih poslih ste bili zraven? - at which affairs were you present?
najraje sem zraven, ko pridejo - I like to be there when they arrive
2. (poleg, blizu) (near) by
z mize, ki je stala zraven, sem vzel velik otep oblancev - I took a large bundle of notes from the table that stood near by
3. (za dodajanje) besides, apart from that; (skupaj z) with
gradijo železnico, zraven pa se ukvarjajo še z drugimi posli - they are building the railway, and apart from that they are running some secondary businesses
mleko zmešajte z instant kavo, zraven ponudite kekse - mix milk with instant coffee, and serve with cookies
soditi/spadati zraven to go with it
nervoza, zmeda in vse, kar še spada zraven - nervousness, confusion, and everything else that goes with it
4. (istočasno) at the same time
kaj bolj resnega in zraven še zabavnega - something serious and funny at the same time
II. predl. (poleg) next to, beside
sedel boš zraven naju - you'll be sitting next to us