oborožitev in oprema

radar za raziskave podpovršja
Vir: Evropska komisija
Raba: potrjeno

ground-penetrating radar
Krajšava: GPR
non-destructive system of surveying the subsurface, using radar pulses to detect electromagnetic contrasts
Vir definicije: COM-Terminology Coordination na podlagi: Druyts, P., Yvinec, Y., Acheroy, M. (2011). Relating soil properties to performance of metal detectors and ground penetrating radars. Using Robots in Hazardous Environments, Landmine Detection, De-Mining and Other Applications. 189–220; in Dong, Y., Ansari, F. (2011). Non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT/NDE) of civil structures rehabilitated using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. Service Life Estimation and Extension of Civil Engineering Structures, Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering. 193–222; in Ground-penetrating radar, Wikipedia.

Vir: Slovar obrambno-vojaške terminologije MOterm - Področni strokovnjaki Ministrstva za obrambo in Slovenske vojske

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