častnik (oficir) mate, officer

častnik krova deck officer, mate
častnik na straži (dežurni častnik) officer of the watch, officer on duty, watchkeeper
častnik stroja engine officer, engineer officer, ship's engineer
častnik trgovske mornarice mate, officer
častnik vojne mornarice naval officer, navy officer
častnik za stražo watchkeeping officer
častnik za tovor cargo officer
četrti častnik krova fourth mate, fourth (deck) officer
dežurni častnik ➞ častnik na straži
dežurni častnik stroja engineer of the watch
drugi častnik krova second mate, second (deck) officer
drugi častnik stroja third engineer, third engine officer (GB), second assistant (of chief) engineer (USA), second engineer (SLO)
mornariški častnik naval officer, striper
prvi častnik krova chief mate, first mate, chief officer
prvi častnik stroja second engineer, second engine officer (GB), first assistant (of chief) engineer (USA), first engineer (SLO)
radio častnik ➞ radiočastnik
tretji častnik krova third mate, third (deck) officer
tretji častnik stroja fourth engineer, fourth engine officer (GB), third assistant (of chief) engineer (USA), third engineer (SLO)

Vir: Slovenska pomorska terminologija - Rok Sorta

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