dúh spirit, mind; soul; (um, razum) intellect, sense; (jezika, naroda) genius; (prikazen) ghost, spectre, phantom, apparition, shade, pogovorno spook; (pokojni) ghost, wraith

zli dúh evil genius, fiend, demon, devil; (škrat) (hob)goblin
dober dúh good genius (ali spirit); (genij) genius, master spirit
sveti dúh religija Holy Spirit
dúhu (prikazni) podoben ghostly; (vonj) smell, scent, odour; (zakona) spirit
brez dúha scentless, odourless
nemiren dúh restless mind
odsoten z dúhom absent-minded, abstracted
prisotnost dúha presence of mind
dúh časa spirit of the time
klicanje dúhov (spiritizem) spirit rapping
zli dúh (hudobec) the evil spirit, the evil one
odbijajoč dúh (vonj) offensive smell
ni ne dúha ne sluha o njem he disappeared without trace, nothing more has been heard of him
v dúhu bomo z vami we shall be with you in spirit
on je velik dúh (figurativno) he is a man of great genius
vino ima dúh po sodu the wine tastes of the cask
on ima slab dúh iz ust his breath smells
to olje ima neprijeten dúh this oil has an unpleasant smell
imeti dúh po čem to be redolent or something
to ima dúh po česnu it smells of garlic
klicati dúhá to summon a spirit, to raise a ghost
kloniti z dúhom to despair, to lose heart (ali courage), to be despondent
izganjati dúhá to lay a gost; (iz obsedenca) to exorcize
dúh se mu je omračil he became (mentally) deranged
omračitev dúha mental derangement
poglobiti se v dúh francoskega jezika to absorb the spirit of the French language
dúhovi so bili razburjeni (figurativno) feelings were running high

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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