dušíti to suffocate; to choke; to stifle; to smother; (meso) to stew, to braise; (z dimom) to smoke; (zvok) to muffle; (s plinom) to asphyxiate

dušíti se to choke; to suffocate, to be suffocated
dušili smo se we were suffocated
dušíti se od slabega zraka to be suffocated with foul air
dušíti se od dima to be stifled with the smoke
dušíti se od smeha (jeze) to choke with laughter (with anger)
dušíti se v delu to be overwhelmed with work
dušili smo se v vlaku we were sweltering in the train
duši me I'm choking

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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