glád hnuger; (lakota) famine, starvation

glád (pohlep) po thirst for, greed for, craving for (ali after)
volčji glád ravenous hunger
imam volčji glád I am famished
umirati od gládu to starve, to be famished
umreti, poginiti od gládu to die (ali to perish) of hunger (ali of starvation), to starve to death
umiram od gládu (figurativno) I'm simply starving
pustili so jih, da so umrli od gládu they left them to die of hunger
z gládom prisiliti k predaji, k pokorščini to starve into surrender, into submission
trpeti glád to starve, to famish
utešiti, pomiriti (si) glád to appease one's hunger, to satisfy one's hunger, arhaično to stay one's stomach
glád je najboljši kuhar hunger is the best sauce

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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