glúh deaf; figurativno having no ear for, dead to, having turned a deaf ear to

glúh kot kamen stone-deaf, (as) deaf as a post
glúh od rojstva deaf from birth, congenitally deaf; deaf; hard (ali dull) of hearing
glúh na eno uho deaf in one ear
glúh na levo uho deaf in the left ear
glúh na obe ušesi deaf in both ears
v glúhi noči in the (ali at) dead of night
glúh za vse prošnje deaf to all entreaties (ali to all pleas)
ali si glúh? are you deaf?, can't you hear?, have you gone deaf?
bila je glúha za moje besede she turned a deaf ear to all my words
on je glúh za mene he has turned a deaf ear to me
to ni padlo na glúha ušesa it didn't fall on deaf ears
pridigati glúhim ušesom to preach to deaf ears
on bo glúh za vaše opomine he will turn a deaf ear to your admonitions
najbolj glúhi so tisti, ki nočejo slišati (there are) none so deaf as those that will not hear

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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