gòzd wood, (večji) forest

bukov gòzd beech forest (ali wood)
jelov (smrekov) gòzd fir (pine) wood
hrastov oak forest
topolov gòzd poplar forest (ali wood)
cedrov gòzd cedar forest (ali wood)
gòzd jamborov (figurativno) a trest of masts
neprehoden gòzd, gòzd brez poti an impenetrable forest
reven z gòzdovi poor in forests, poorly forested
iglasti gòzd coniferous trees
poraščen z gòzdom, -ovi wooded, afforested, timbered
zaščiten mlad gòzd young forest plantation
gost gòzd dense forest
sekati gòzd to fell trees, to deforest
krčiti, redčiti gòzd to clear land
zopet (za)saditi gòzd (pogozditi) to re-afforest
pragozd virgin forest, primeval forest
od samih dreves ne vidiš gozda you can't see the wood for the trees

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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