izdáti (koga) to betray, žargon to sell someone, to split on someone; (sokrivce) žargon to shop, to grass on; (pustiti na cedilu) to leave in the lurch, to desert, to forsake; (denar) to spend, to expend, to disburse, to defray; (knjigo itd.) to edit, to publish, to issue, to bring out; (delnice, bankovce) to issue; (proglas) to promulgate, to issue (a proclamation ali manifesto); (nalog) to decree, to ordain, to give orders; (zakon) to enact, to decree; (skrivnost) to let out, to disclose, to divulge, to reveal

izdáti diplomo to grant (ali to award) a diploma
izdáti proglas to issue a proclamation
izdáti ukaz to give an order
izdáti predpise to enact rules, to pass regulations
izdáti priporočila to issue recommendations
izdáti zakon to pass a law
zopet izdáti knjigo to republish (ali to reprint) a book
izdáti se to betray oneself, to give oneself away, to let the cat out of the bag
izdal se je, ko mi je rekel nekaj, česar ni hotel reči he gave himself away by blurting out something he had not intended to tell me
izdáti se za to pretend (ali to claim) to be, to pose as, to pass oneself off as (zdravnika a doctor)

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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