mèd (predlog) (mèd dvema) between, pesniško betwixt; (med mnogimi) among, amongst, amid(st); (časovno) during

mèd učno uro during the lesson
biti mèd dvema alternativama to be between two alternatives
nobene podobnosti ni mèd njima there is no likeness between them, they bear no likeness to each other
to naj ostane mèd nama this must remain a secret between us
mèd nama rečeno between you and me, between ourselves, humoristično between you, me and the gatepost
lebdeti mèd nebom in zemljo to hover between heaven and earth
zaprt med štirimi stenami shut up within four walls
oče je razdelil svoje imetje mèd otroke the father shared his property among his children
mèd štirimi očmi in private, tête-à-tête
je razlika mèd njim in menoj there is a difference between him and me
ni ga več mèd nami he is no more amongst us
razdeliti si vsoto mèd seboj! divide the sum among you!, pogovorno split the lot between you!
ženijo, poročajo se mèd seboj they intermarry

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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