mórje sea, (svetovno) ocean; pesniško billow
ob mórju by the sea
na mórju at sea; at the seaside, on the seashore
na odprtem mórju on the open sea, on the high seas
onstran mórja beyond the sea
prek mórja overseas, oversea
odprto mórje high sea, open sea, pesniško main
Črno (Rdeče, Mrtvo) mórje the Black (the Red, the Dead) Sea
Kaspijsko mórje the Caspian Sea, the Caspian
Jadransko mórje the Adriatic Sea, the Adriatic
Severno mórje the North Sea
Sredozemsko mórje the Mediterranean, pogovorno the Med
Tiho mórje the pacific, the Pacific Ocean
kipenje mórja surf (of the sea)
mirovanje mórja calm (ali calmness) of the sea
bitka na mórju naval battle
nagrbančeno, nagubano mórje choppy sea
razburkano mórje a heavy sea, a rough sea, an angry sea
mórje krví (figurativno) seas pl of blood
mórje oblakov a sea of clouds
mórje težav a sea of troubles
vožnja po mórju naviagation, seafaring, voyage
iti na mórje to go to the seaside, to go to the sea
peljati se čez mórje to cross the sea
biti na mórju to be at the seaside, to be by the sea
potovati po mórju to voyage
potovati po mórju in po kopnem to travel by land and sea
mórje je razburkano the sea is running high, there is a heavy swell
pasti v mórje (s krova) to fall overboard
vreči v mórje (z ladje) to throw overboard
to je kaplja v mórje (figurativno) it's a drop in the bucket
mórje obliva obalo the sea washes the coast
navadil sem se na mórje I have got used to the sea
posvetiti se mórju (postati mornar) to go to sea, to follow the sea, to decide on a sailor's life (ali humoristično a life on the ocean wave)
vsa družina je na mórju all the family are at the seaside
kapljica v mórje (figurativno) a drop in the ocean