naráven natural; true to nature; (prirojen) innate; (pravi, pristen) genuine, true, inartificial; (iskren) open, frank, sincere, artless; (neprisiljen) unaffected, unconstrained

narávno čudo prodigy
narávni dar gift of nature
narávne lepote natural beauties pl
narávni nagon instinct
narávni pojav natural phenomenon, pl -mena
narávni proizvod natural product
narávna sila, moč natural force
narávna selekcija natural selection
narávno stanje natural state
narávni zakon law of nature, natural law
portret (kip) v narávni velikosti life-sized portrait (statue)
narávne sile physical agents pl
narávno bogastvo natural resources pl

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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