predstávljati gledališče to play a part, to act, to perform, to represent (osebo a character)

predstávljati si to imagine, to picture to oneself, to form a picture of something; to fancy
živo si predstávljati to realize
kar predstavljaj si to! just imagine, fancy that!
tega si ni mogoče predstávljati it is not to be imagined
predstavljaj si to! just fancy!, fancy that!
tega si ni mogoče predstávljati it is not to be imagined
predstavljajte si moje veselje! imagine how happy I was!
živo si je lahko predstavljal tisti prizor he could well picture that scene
ni si težko predstávljati, kaj se bo zgodilo it is not hard to imagine what will happen
predstavljajte si moje začudenje! imagine my astonishment

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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