ravnáti (kar je ukrivljeno) to straighten, to make even, to even; (sploščiti) to flatten; (tla) to level
ravnáti se po kom to follow someone's example; figurativno to proceed, to act
ravnáti s kom to have dealings with someone, to deal with someone, (kot as)
slabo ravnáti s kom to treat someone badly, to ill-treat someone, to ill-use someone, (v zaporu) to manhandle someone
ravnáti se po pravilu to conform to the rules
ravnáti se po navodilih to act according to instructions
morate se ravnáti po drugih you must (try to) fit in with the others
moda se ravna po njej she is in the forefront of fashion
slabo ravnajo z njim they maltreat him
ravnáti s čim to handle, to manage something
ravnali se bomo po vaših željah we shall be guided by your wishes, we shall conform entirely to your wishes
pošteno ravnáti s kom to treat someone decently, (figurativno) to play ball with someone
ravnáti se po zakonu to abide by the law