razmére pl circumstances pl, conditions pl; (odnosi) relations pl

v teh razmérah in (ali under) these circumstances
po sili razmér of necessity
napete razmére (odnosi) strained relations pl
živeti preko svojih razmér to live beyond one's income (ali one's means)
živeti v dobrih razmérah to live in good circumstances
v ugodnih razmérah under favourable conditions
gledé na današnje razmére in view of present conditions
to je odvisno od razmér that depends on circumstances
izboljšati ljudstvu življenjske razmére to improve the standard of living of the people
ne moremo nadaljevati z delom v takih razmérah we cannot go on with the work under such conditions (ali circumstances)
razmére so se močnó spremenile things have changed very much
sprijazniti se z razmérami, prilagoditi se razméram to adapt someone to circumstances
treba je živeti svojim razméram primerno (figurativno) one must cut one's coat according to one's cloth
splošne razmére general conditions pl

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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