róg horn

jelenov róg antler
lovski róg hunting horn, bugle
róg obilja the horn of plenty, cornucopia
trobiti na róg to blow the horn
tema je kot v rógu it is pitch-dark
róge pokazati (figurativno) to show one's horns, to resist, to show resistance
trobiti v isti róg (figurativno) to sing the same song (ali tune); to act in concert
róge nastaviti (možu) to cuckold
nositi rógove (mož) to be cuckolded
ugnati koga v kozji róg (figurativno) to drive someone into a corner, to corner someone, to stalemate someone, to stymie (ali to stimy) someone, to intimidate someone
njega ne uženeš lahkó v kozji róg he does not scare easily
zgrabiti bika za róge (figurativno) to take the bull by the horns

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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