rók term; time limit; appointed time; date; given time; (menice) usance
v roku (10 dni) within (10 days)
odgoditev róka respite
rók usmrtitve reprieve
po preteku róka after the expiration of a term
skrajni rók (figurativno, pogovorno) deadline
menica z dvojnim plačilnim rókom bill drawn at double usance
rók je minil (the) term has expired
podaljšati rók to extend the term
na kratek rók for a short term
določitev róka fixing of a term (ali date)
prekoračenje róka exceeding the time limit
podaljšanje róka prolongation of a term, extension of time
ob določenem róku at the stated time
brez róka (latinsko) sine die
zamuditev, zamuda róka failure to meet a term
pred rókom plačana menica anticipated bill of exchange
menica ima rók 3 mesecev the bill is payable (ali falls due) in three months' time
rók poteče danes the term expires (ali is up) today
določiti rók to fix (ali to state) a term (ali a time limit, time)
držati se dogovorjenega róka to keep (ali to observe) the term agreed upon, to meet the deadline
pustiti, da rók zapade to let a term expire