sìt sated, satiated; fed; figurativno (naveličan) fed up with, sick of, tired of, weary of

sìt življenja weary of life, tired of life
do grla sem sìt I'm fed up to the teeth (with)
najesti se do sìtega to appease one's hunger, to eat one's fill of...
do sìtega sem se nagledal I have seen enough, pogovorno I've had an eyeful
sìt sem ga (figurativno) I can't stand the fellow any longer
sìt sem tega I've had enough of it, I'm fed up with it
sìt je vsega he's fed up with everything
sìt sem tega dela I'm sick of this work
sìt sem čakanja I am tired of waiting
čez glavo sem sìt I'm fed up to the back teeth (with)
do sìtega se je najedel češenj he has eaten his fill of cherries
ljudstvo je bilo sìto vojne the people were sick of war
ne more biti volk sìt in koza cela (figurativno) you can't have it both ways
od dobrih (lepih) želja še nihče ni bil sìt if wishes were horses beggars might ride

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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