sledíti to follow, (divjad po sledi) to track, to stalk; to come after (ali next); to be subsequent to; to ensue; to succeed
sledíti modi to follow the fashion
sledíti komu z očmi to keep someone in sight
nevihti je sledila tišina a calm followed the storm
poletju sledi jesen autumn follows summer
večerji je sledil ples the dinner was followed by a ball
Edvard VII. je sledil Viktoriji Edward VII succeeded Victoria
sledíti kot senca komu to shadow someone
pismo sledi trgovina letter to follow
nadaljevanje sledi to be continued
kakor dolgo sem jim sledil z očmi as long as I could keep them in view
sledíti iz to result from, (posledica) to be the result of, to be the consequence
iz tega še ne sledi, da je kriv it does not hence follow that he is guilty
iz česar sledi whence it follows
iz tega sledi, da... hence it follows that...
kot sledi as follows, as under
moje mnenje je kot sledi (je naslednje) my opinion is as follows