smísel sense; (pomen) meaning, signification; (volja za) mind, turn, taste

v nekem smísel in a certain sense
v pravem smíslu besede in the true sense of the word
v istem smíslu in the same sense
v polnem smíslu besede in the full sense of the word
v prenesenem smíslu in the figurative sense
v ožjem smíslu in a narrow (ali limited) sense
v smíslu (duhu) zakona in (ali according to) the spirit of the law
kakšen smísel ima to? what's the sense of that?
brez smísla void of sense, senseless
to je brez smísla this is senseless
to ni bil smísel mojih besed that was not the meaning of my words
govoril je v istem smíslu he spoke to the same effect
to nima nobenega smísla that's no good
nima smísla hoditi tja it's no use (ali there's no sense) going there
ne imeti smísla (koristi) to be useless, to be of no use, to be to no purpose
on nima smísla za... he has no taste for, he does not care for...
on ima smísla za tehniko he is technically-minded, he has a mechanical bent
za to nimam smísla my tastes do not go that way

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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