sporočílo message (komu to someone); news; (piece of) information; communication (to someone); advice; notice; intelligence; word, report

po sporočílih iz Pariza according to information from Paris
od koga imaš to sporočílo? from whom did you receive this news?
doslej nismo dobili še nobenega sporočíla we have received no news yet
nositi sporočílo to carry a message
imate kako sporočílo (boste pustili sporočílo)? do you want to leave any message?
prišlo je sporočílo, da je sklenjen mir the news arrived that peace had been concluded
po sporočílu according to information (from)
sporočílo po radiu radio (ali wireless) message
brzojavno sporočílo telegraph message
telefonsko sporočílo telephone (ali telephoned) message
predsednikovo sporočílo Kongresu a presidential message to Congress

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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