sprijázniti se to reconcile oneself (z izgubo to a loss); to become reconciled; to tolerate (something); to get familiar with

sprijázniti se z dejstvom, da... to reconcile oneself to the fact that...
sprijázniti se z odločitvijo to submit to a decision
ne sprijázniti se z rezultatom not to take kindly to the result
ne morem se sprijázniti se z mislijo... I cannot get used to the idea...
sprijázniti se s svojo usodo to reconcile oneself (ali to become reconciled) to one's fate
sprijázniti se s srečo in nesrečo to take the ups and downs
sprijázniti se z neprijetnim to take the bad with the good

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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