ukvárjati se to occupy oneself (z with), to be occupied (z with); to be engaged (z in, on); to employ oneself, to be employed (in doing something); to be busy (in, at, with); to work (at); to go in for, to take up, to study; to take an interest (in); to be involved (in); to be concerned (z with)
ne ukvarja se kaj prida s svojimi otroki he takes little interest in his children
ukvárjati se malo z glasbo to be quite interested in music
ne ukvarjam se s politiko I do not concern myself with politics, pogovorno I don't get involved in politics
on se ukvarja s preveč stvarmi (figurativno) he has too many irons in the fire
s tem problemom sem se mnogo ukvarjal I have given a lot of thought to this question
ukvárjati se s problemi kriminala to take an interest in criminological problems
on se ukvarja izključno samó z nemščino he is fully occupied with his German
s takimi posli se ne ukvarjam I do not concern myself with such matters