usmériti to direct (k to, proti towards); to aim; to orient, to orientate; (pozornost) to point (at), to aim (at); (žogo pri golfu) to address

usmériti svoj polet proti severu to turn one's flight northwards
usmériti svoje korake proti domu to turn one's steps homewards
usmériti vlak proti X. to send a train in the direction of X.
topništvo je usmerilo svoj ogenj na greben (gore, vzpetine) the artillery directed (ali turned) their fire upon the ridge
usmériti se proti to head for, to turn towards, to make for
usmériti svoje delovanje glede na nove okoliščine to redirect (ali to rechannel) one's activities in the new circumstances (ali conditions)

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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