ústa mouth

od úst do úst from mouth to mouth
skozi úst medicina per os, by the oral route
z odprtimi ústi with open mouth
polna ústa a mouthful
sama ústa so ga (figurativno) he is a boaster (ali a braggart)
nima kaj v ústa dati he hasn't a crust of bread to eat
(slab) duh ima iz úst his breath smells
ni odprl úst (figurativno) he didn't open his mouth, he didn't speak a word
komu od úst odtrgovati (hrano) to stint someone
otrokom odtrguje mleko od úst he is stingy with his children's milk, he keeps his children short of milk
pritrgovati si od úst to stint oneself
njegovo ime je šlo od úst do úst his name was freely bandied about
položiti komu besede v ústa to put (ali to place) words into someone's mouth
besedo ste mi vzeli iz úst you have taken the words out of my mouth
zamašiti, zapreti komu ústa to shut (ali to stop) someone's mouth, to silence someone
živeti iz rok v ústa (figurativno) to live from hand to mouth

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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