vplív influence (na over, on); ascendancy, ascendency, ascendance, ascendence; sway; impact (na on); hold (on); interest (pri with)

pod vplívom under the influence
biti pod vplívom koga to be under the influence of someone
imeti vplív na to exercise (ali to exert, to have) an influence (up)on, to influence (someone)
imeti vplív pri kom to have influence with someone
imel je velik vplív nanje he had a great ascendancy over them
priti pod vplív koga to come (to fall) under someone's sway
imeti velik vplív pri to carry weight with
Voltairov vplív na sodobnike Voltaire's influence over his contemporaries
te okoliščine niso imele nobenega vplíva na izid (rezultat) these circumstances had no effect on the result
njegov oče nima nobenega vplíva nanj his father has no hold on him
uporabiti svoj vplív pri kom to use one's influence with someone
uveljaviti svoj vplív pri kom to bring one's influence to bear on someone

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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