zatočíšče (place of) refuge; resort, shelter; asylum; sanctuary; retreat; (zavetišče čez noč) house of refuge

zatočíšče tatov resort of thieves
dati zatočíšče to grant sanctuary
iskati zatočíšče to seek sanctuary
nuditi zatočíšče to offer shelter
to je moje zadnje zatočíšče this is my last resort
ti si moje edino zatočíšče you are my only recourse (ali the only one I can turn to)
njegova hiša je zatočíšče nesrečnikov his home is a sanctuary (ali asylum) for the wretched
laž je njegovo običajno zatočíšče lying is his usual expedient (ali his usual way out)
v dolgočasju najti zatočíšče v branju to take refuge from boredom in reading
pravica do zatočíšča right of sanctuary

Vir: Slovensko-angleški slovar - Anton Grad, Henry Leeming

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