away [əwéi] prislov (from)
proč, stran; nenehno
away back pred davnim časom
to be away odpotovati
far away daleč proč
far and away the best daleč najboljši
fire away! prični!
to give away s.o. izdati koga
to make (ali do) away with odpraviti nekaj
to make away with o.s. narediti samomor
an away match tekma na tujem igrišču
to pine (ali waste) away hirati, hujšati
right away takoj
to pass away umreti
to throw away odvreči
to trifle away zapravljati
away for shame! sram te bodi!
I cannot away with ne prenesem
to work away nenehno delati
away with you! poberi se!
whither away? kam greš?