end1 [end] samostalnik
konec, kraj, zaključek; meja; propad, smrt; namen, cilj; izid, uspeh, posledica, korist
East End vzhodni del Londona
at the far end na drugem koncu
to be at one's wits' end ne vedeti, kako in kam
up to the bitter end, to the end of the chapter do samega konca, do smrti
to come to an end končati se
to come to the end of one's tether doseči skrajno mejo, biti na koncu
no end of a fellow sijajen dečko
pogovorno to go off the deep end razburiti, razjeziti se, pobesneti
my hair stood on end lasje so mi stali pokonci
to have s.th. at one's fingers' end dobro vedeti ali znati
to get hold of the wrong end of the stick začeti na napačnem koncu
in the end na koncu, končno
geometrija the end of the line krajišče
no end of neskončno, neizmerno
the end justifies the means namen posvečuje sredstva
to keep one's end up pretolči, prebi(ja)ti se
the latter end starost, smrt
at a loose end brez posebnega opravila
to make both ends meet prebi(ja)ti se z denarjem
to no end zaman
shoemaker's end dreta
to the end that zato, da bi
to what end? čemu?
West End zahodni del Londona
end to end po dolžini, drug za drugim
at your end pri vas, v vašem kraju
to have at one's tongue's end imeti na koncu jezika