goose1 množina geese [gu:s, gi:s] samostalnik
gos, goska; gosje meso
figurativno neumnež, -nica
to cook s.o.'s goose uničiti, odstraniti koga
to get the goose biti izžvižgan
green goose mlada goska
it's gone goose with him zgubljen je
to kill the goose that lays golden eggs s pohlepom in skopostjo si uničiti vir dohodkov, zaklati kravo, ki jo molzemo
he would not say "bo" to a goose nikomur ne bi skrivil lasu
what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander kar je dobro za enega, je dobro tudi za drugega
fox and geese vrsta družabne igre
all his geese are swans vedno pretirava