rend* [rend]
1. prehodni glagol
trgati, odtrgati, strgati, raztrgati; (raz)cepiti, (raz)klati (les)
figurativno (raz)cepiti, pretresti, omajati, predreti, prelomiti, razklati, preklati
2. neprehodni glagol
raztrgati se, strgati se, (raz)cepiti se, razpóčiti se, póčiti
to rend apart (asunder, in pieces) raztrgati na kose
to rend from s.o. iztrgati komu
his heart was rent with grief srce se mu je trgalo od žalosti
my mind was rent by doubts mučili so me dvomi
to rend one's hair lase si puliti
they rent the air with their cheers njihovi klici so trgali, pretresali zrak
to turn and rend s.o. nepričakovano koga napasti s psovkami, z zmerjanjem