shake*2 [šéik]
1. prehodni glagol
tresti, stresati, pretresti, (za)vihteti, zamahniti; (o)majati
figurativno oslabiti
ameriško stresti roko, rokovati se; (po)kimati (z glavo)
ameriško mešati (karte)
2. neprehodni glagol
stresti se, tresti se, drhteti, drgetati, trepetati (with od)
(o)majati se
glasba izvajati trilerje, gostolevke
shake! ameriško sezimo si v roke! pobotajmo se!
quite shaken potrt, pobit, pretresen, presunjen
to shake a carpet iztepsti preprogo
he was much shaken by his friend's death prijateljeva smrt ga je zelo pretresla
to shake one's ears figurativno zdramiti se; opomoči si
to shake with fear (cold) drgetati od strahu (mraza)
to shake one's fists in s.o.'s face pretiti komu s pestjo, požugati komu s pestjo
his faith was shaken njegova vera je bila omajana
to shake hands with s.o. rokovati se s kom
he shook his head zmajal je z glavo
to shake one's elbow (the elbow) sleng kockati
to shake s.o. by the hand stresti komu roko, rokovati se s kom
his health is much shaken njegovo zdravje je zelo zrahljano
his hands shake roke se mu tresejo
the laughter shook him tresel se je od smeha
to shake one's sides with laughing tresti se od smeha
to shake a leg sleng plesati; hiteti
he was much shaken by (with, at) the news novica ga je zelo pretresla
to shake in one's shoes sleng tresti se po vsem telesu, drgetati od strahu
the house shook with the explosion hiša se je stresla od eksplozije
to shake a stick at s.o. groziti komu s palico
to shake s.o. out of his sleep stresti, zdramiti koga iz spanja