thrill2 [ɵril] prehodni glagol
peti s tresočim se glasom, tremolirati (melodijo); pretresti, prevzeti, popasti (groza, žalost, skrb), vznemiriti; navdušiti, razburiti
an earthquake thrilled the land potres je pretresel deželo
her voice thrilled the listeners njen glas je elektriziral poslušalce
the sight thrilled him with horror pogled ga je navdal z grozo
neprehodni glagol
zgroziti se (with ob)
vznemiriti se, razburiti se, (za)drhteti, tresti se, vibrirati; biti preplašen, prestrašen (at, with ob, zaradi)
he thrills with delight drhti od veselja
the earth thrills zemlja se trese
fear thrilled through my veins strah me je spreletel