yourself množina yourselves [jɔ:sélf, -sélvz] zaimek (v zvezi z you ali z velelnikom)
(poudarjeno, emfatično) (ti) sam, (vi, Vi) sami
you yourself told me, you told me yourself vi sami ste mi povedali
you must see for yourself sam moraš videti, se prepričati
you are not yourself today danes te ni moč prepoznati, nisi pravi
you are not quite yourself after this illness nisi čisto pravi, nisi še dober po tej bolezni
what will you do with yourself today? kaj boš delal (počenjal) danes?
by yourself (ti) sam, brez (tuje) pomoči
you'll be left by yourself ostal boš (čisto) sam
do you learn French by yourself? ali se sami učite francosko?
2. povratni
se, sebe, si, sebi
be yourself! vzemi se skupaj!, pridi spet k sebi!
help yourself! postrezi(te) si, vzemi(te) si!
you may congratulate yourself lahko si čestitaš
don't trouble yourself! ne trudi(te) se!
pull yourselves together! vzemite se skupaj!
shut the door behind yourself! zapri(te) vrata za seboj!
how's yourself? sleng kako pa kaj ti?, kako pa gre tebi?