Arzt {m}; Ärztin {f}; Mediziner {m}; Medizinerin {f} - doctor; physician; medical doctor /M.D./; medic [coll.]
Ärzte {pl}; Ärztinnen; Mediziner {pl}; Medizinerinnen {pl} - doctors; physicians; medics der behandelnde Arzt - the attending physician; the attending doctor zum Arzt gehen - to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt {m} [Ös.]; Assistent im ersten Jahr - intern; first year resident [Am.]; junior house officer [Br.]; Foundation House Officer /FHO/ [Br.]; pre-registration house officer [Br.] Arzt in der Ausbildung - doctor-in-training Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt - doctor in charge; physician in charge angehender Arzt - doctor-to-be Jungassistent {m} - senior house officer /SHO/ [Br.]; resident [Am.] Altassistent {m} - registrar [Br.]; fellow [Am.] Wir ließen den Arzt kommen. - We sent for the doctor. Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen? - Can you recommend a good family doctor? Er war beim Arzt. - He has been to see the doctor.

Vir: German-English dictionary - Frank Richter

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