Diebstahl {m} (Straftatbestand) [jur.] - theft; larceny [Am.] (criminal offence)
Diebstähle {pl} - thefts; larcenies einfacher Diebstahl - petty/petit theft; petty/petit larceny [Am.] schwerer Diebstahl - aggravated theft; grand larceny [Am.] bandenmäßiger Diebstahl; Bandendiebstahl {m} - gang theft Bagatelldiebstahl {m} - petty theft Datendiebstahl {m}; Datenklau {m} - data theft; theft of data Einbruchsdiebstahl {m} - theft by breaking and entering Einschleichdiebstahl {m} - walk-in theft Gelegenheitsdiebstahl {m} - sneak theft Identitätsdiebstahl {m} - identity theft Kassendiebstahl {m} - theft from the till Kunstdiebstahl {m} - theft of objets d'art Rechnerzeitdiebstahl {m}; Rechenzeitdiebstahl {m} - computer time theft Trickdiebstahl {m} - theft by trickery Viehdiebstahl {f} - cattle theft; rustling

Vir: German-English dictionary - Frank Richter

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