(an einem Ort) herumstöbern; herumschnüffeln {vi} - to poke around / about [Br.]; to nose around (in a place)
herumstöbernd; herumschnüffelnd - poking around / about; nosing around herumgestöbert; herumgeschnüffelt - poked around / about; nosed around Er begann, im Schrank herumzustöbern, um den Süßstoff zu suchen. - He began poking about in the cupboard, looking for the sweetener. Die Polizei traf ihn in einem Wohnhaus an, wo er herumschnüffelte. - The police found him poking around in a residential building. Hör auf, in meinen Angelegenheiten herumzuschnüffeln! - Stop poking around in my business!

Vir: German-English dictionary - Frank Richter

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