für etw. sprechen (ein Indiz für etw. sein){vi} - to seem to indicate/argue/show sth.; to point to sth.; to make sth. seem likely
Dafür spricht, dass ... - An indication of this is that ... Dafür spricht auch ... - This is also evidenced by ...; This (assumption) is also supported by ... Dafür spricht nicht zuletzt, dass ... - This is suggested not least by the fact that ... Alle Anzeichen sprechen dafür, dass ... - All the signs seem to show that ... Es spricht einiges dafür, dass ... - There is some evidence that ... Es spricht vieles dafür, dass ... - There is good evidence that ...; There are many indications that ...; It seems very likely that ... Die Fakten sprechen für seine Unschuld. - The facts seem to argue/indicate his innocence/he is innocent. Es spricht alles dafür, dass menschliche Aktivitäten daran schuld sind. - All the evidence points to human activity as the culprit.

Vir: German-English dictionary - Frank Richter

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