The heat-treatment of textiles(fibres,yarns,and fabrics,but mainly fabrics)designed to complete the polymerization or condensation reaction of added substance. (Angleško)


Dansko: kondensere , vulkanisere
Nemško: Kondensieren , Vulkanisieren
Angleško: The vulcanization of rubber,whether done by the application of heat or by passing through cold sulphuryl chloride solution('cold cure')
Špansko: polimerización
Finsko: kondensoiminen , kovettaminen , vulkanointi
Francosko: polymérisation par la chaleur
Italijansko: polimerizzazione per il calore
Nizozemsko: bakken , condenseren , curen
Portugalsko: polimerização pelo calor
Švedsko: vulkanisering

Vir: IATE - European Union, 2016

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