LCA,an alphabet length may be used in calculating an approximation of the amount of space that a given text will occupy when presented in a given typeface and nominal type size.However,such an approximation must take into account the distribution of the letters of the alphabet in text of different kinds(e.g.scientific,literary,juventile) (Angleško)

Področje: Information technology and data processing

Dansko: alfabetlængde
Nemško: Alphabetlänge
Grško: μήκος αλφαβήτου
Angleško: alphabet length
Špansko: longitud de alfabeto
Finsko: aakkoston pituus
Francosko: longueur de l'alphabet
Italijansko: lunghezza di alfabeto
Nizozemsko: alfabetlengte
Portugalsko: comprimento do alfabeto
Švedsko: alfabetslängd

Vir: IATE - European Union, 2016

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