Dansko: GCE, GCE=General Certificate of Education,svarer til studentereksamen,giver adgang til at studere ved et Universitet Nemško: GCE, GCE=General Certificate of Education,berechtigt zum Studium an einer Universitaet,entspricht dem herkoemmlichen Abitur Angleško: GCE, GCE=General Certificate of Education, General Certificate of Education Špansko: GCE, GCE,título que permite el acceso a los estudios universitarios, General Certificate of Education Francosko: GCE, GCE=General Certificate of Education,correspond au baccalauréat,autorise l'accès à une université Italijansko: GCE, GCE=General Certificate of Education, General certificate of Education Nizozemsko: GCE, General Certificate of Education, bewijs van algemene ontwikkeling