RIDE,reactive ion processes are an extension of sputtering processes in that the inert gas used for generating the plasma is replaced by a gas that reacts with the material to be deposited or etched (Angleško)

Področje: Information technology and data processing Electronics and electrical engineering

Nemško: reaktives Ionenabscheiden und-ätzen
Grško: αντιδραστική ιοντική αποθήκευση και αποτύπωση
Angleško: reactive ion deposition and etching
Finsko: reaktiivinen ionihöyrystys ja-syövytys
Francosko: dépôt et gravure ionique réactifs
Italijansko: operazione RIDE
Švedsko: reaktiv jondeponering och jonetsning

Vir: IATE - European Union, 2016

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