osnovna šola
vrste izobraževalnih institucij
Angleški prevod: basic school
Slovenski opis: Izraz 'primary school' ni primeren, saj označuje vrsto šole v šolskih sistemih z zgodnjo zunanjo diferenciacijo izobraževanja, ko se morajo učenci že po 4 do 6 letih šolanja odločiti, ali bodo nadaljevali šolanje po akademski oziroma poklicni izobraževalni poti.
Angleški opis: Institution providing 9 years of full-time compulsory single structure of primary and lower secondary education to pupils aged 6 to 15. Admission is based on age; the prescribed age of children entering basic school is from 5 years and 8 months to 6 years and 8 months. The curriculum is common to all pupils and is divided into three cycles of 3 years each (first two cycles are classified as primary, third cycle as lower secondary education according to ISCED).
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